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What Should I Ask at My Liposuction Consultation?

Liposuction is a versatile body contouring tool that can be used almost anywhere on the face or body to create smoother, slimmer contours. Whether your problem area is persistent fat around your waist or stubborn fatty pockets on the chin, underarms, back, hips or thighs, liposuction eliminates diet and exercise-resistant fat.

The first step in your liposuction journey involves a consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. Preparing for your consultation and knowing what to ask can help you plan for your procedure and enjoy a beautiful, long-lasting outcome.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Some people mistakenly consider liposuction to be a weight loss procedure, and that’s incorrect. Liposuction is most effective for people who have already worked hard to achieve their ideal weight. As you diet and exercise, you may notice that your body still stores fat in certain areas. The best candidates for liposuction are men and women who are close to or at their ideal weight and are in good overall health. During your liposuction consultation, your cosmetic surgeon may recommend other procedures that can either complement liposuction or help you to get the results you desire.

Do You Have Before and After Photos?

A picture is worth a thousand words, so it’s a good idea to ask Dr. Andan for a photo gallery where you can explore examples of his work. Having an opportunity to see images of men and women both before and after liposuction can help to give you a sense as to what type of outcome you can expect from your procedure and what type of lipo techniques your might to choose.

How Can I Get the Best Results?

Liposuction is an investment in yourself, so you’ll want to be sure to ask how you can preserve your results and enjoy your new, svelte contours for a long time to come.