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What Can You Expect While Recovering from Male Breast Reduction?

Male breast reduction has become a popular cosmetic procedure among many men struggling with a condition known as gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement.

When preparing for your procedure, you may be wondering what your recovery time for gynecomastia treatment will look like. Here are a few tips to help you plan your procedure and know what to expect.

1. Take It Easy for the First Few Days

Prior to your male breast reduction, you’ll need to schedule some time off of work and other daily obligations to give your body a chance to properly heal. Dr. Andan typically recommends that you take the first few days after your gynecomastia procedure to do nothing but rest and relax.

During this time, you can lightly walk around the house to help keep blood circulating, but don’t put any unnecessary strain on your body.

2. Wear Your Compression Garment

Dr. Andan will send you home with a list of guidelines for your gynecomastia recovery. One common instruction is to wear a special compression garment during the first stage of healing.

Closely following Dr. Andan’s set of recovery instructions can help minimize the risk of complications.

3. Gradually Reintroduce Heavy Lifting and Exercise

After the first two weeks or so of recovery from gynecomastia surgery, you should be able to begin to reintroduce light exercise and other activities into your regular routine. Just be sure to check in with Dr. Andan before starting a heavier exercise routine or performing more strenuous activities.