Could You Really Get Six-Pack Abs From Liposuction? [Infographic]
Can Slimming Creams Really Compete with Liposuction?

When Something Sounds Too Good to Be True … Well, it usually is. While the exact claims will vary between creams, they generally come down to two specific actions: firming the skin and burning away fat. While no long-term studies of their effectiveness have been done, user-reported results aren’t exactly […]
Continue Reading ›Guys, You Can Kiss Your Love Handles & More Goodbye

If you have stubborn areas of fat that are hiding the results of your hard work, male liposuction for love handles and more can bring your muscle definition to the surface. Cosmetic Surgery Isn’t Just for Women Many men who are unhappy with their appearance never stop to consider the […]
Continue Reading ›Brazilian Butt Lift or Butt Implants: You Decide

If you are looking to improve the shape of your bottom, you have more options available to you than ever before. Two of the most popular ways to sculpt your rear are the Brazilian butt lift procedure and butt implants. Which is best? To make the right choice for you, […]
Continue Reading ›Why You Can’t Exercise Away Man Boobs, But Surgery Can Help

The medical term for enlarged male breasts, sometimes referred to as “man boobs,” is gynecomastia. Many men who struggle with gynecomastia think that the only solution to the excess tissue is with exercise. But often, despite the best efforts to firm and tone up the chest muscles, the treatment for enlarged […]
Continue Reading ›Is Social Media Making You Wish for A Brazilian Butt Lift? [Infographic]
A Brazilian Butt Lift Abroad Might Not Be Cheap after All

The allure of having a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) abroad is that it is much cheaper than having a BBL in the states. But as it turns out, this is a dangerous misperception. In fact, having cosmetic surgery abroad could end up being significantly more expensive in the long-term. This is due […]
Continue Reading ›Does 360-Degree Lipo Have Your Back & Everywhere Else?

We may be getting closer to the tail-end of summer but do you like the idea of having a body you can be proud of year-round? If so, you may be a great candidate for 360-degree liposuction, also known as circumferential liposuction. 360 lipo is a comprehensive liposculpting procedure that can […]
Continue Reading ›3 Common Questions about VASER® Hi-Def Liposuction

Men and women considering liposuction are often surprised to find that there is a less invasive alternative to traditional liposuction called VASER® Hi-Def Liposuction. At the same time, many find that VASER hi-def lipo can better address their specific needs. So, what is VASER hi-def liposuction and is it right for […]
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